Not So Fast
Medical marijuana is often cited as one of many potential solutions to the opioid crisis. Earlier, this month, two new studies were released highlighting that there is indeed a role for medical and recreational marijuana usage to play in combating the opioid epidemic. The basis for the study is that in most cases, individuals are guided towards dangerous opioids like heroin and oxycodon by having first had prescriptions to other opioids. And because marijuana has been proven to be an effective treatment for chronic pain, it is possible that it could replace the first part of that journey so that individuals never have to fill that first prescription. Medical marijuana is often cited as one of many potential solutions to the opioid crisis. Earlier, this month, two new studies were released highlighting that there is indeed a role for medical and recreational marijuana usage to play in combating the opioid epidemic. The basis for the study is that in most cases, indivi...